Note: This week we’re going to preempt our usual Friday night music post and resume what will probably be a weekly feature from now on at The Latin Americanist where we take a look at what’s being said in the blogosphere. Have a great Easter weekend!
* Compare and contrast: Gothamist points out how
* Ricardo Carreon gives his view on the lunacy at
* Global Voices Online looks at what Chilean bloggers have to say on the Transantiago snafu and student protests this week.
* Guess who is running for U.S .president? Anti-immigrant legislator Tom Tancredo!
* Speaking of presidential candidates, Daily Kos has a detailed interview with Bill Richardson.
* Boz published a spot-on post Hugo Chavez’ change of heart over ethanol production.
* Several news links on
* With the 30th anniversary of the watershed miniseries “Roots” coming up, Marisa at Latina Lista suggests that it’s definitely time for a version on Latino culture to be made.
* Thankfully, Mark in Mexico is keeping us up to date over the still precarious situation in
* Could it be the beginning of the end of
* When you got to go, you got to go!
* Heck, now I feel guilty for depriving you of this Friday’s music post. As a sign of remorse (and with the hope of attending her NYC concert in Thursday) here is Julieta Venegas’ music video for “Limón y Sal”:
Links- Gothamist. VivirLatino, Foreign Policy – Passport, Wonkette, Bloggings by Boz, Latina Lista, Global Voices Online, Mark in Mexico, Latinista, Ricardo’s Blog, Publius Pundit, Daily Kos, Brazil Offside
soothing sound. and thank you again for the music. hard to imagine a being a Latin Americanist without it. can't say the same for blogs. ; )
Could we all be a bit more academic (?) and stop glossing over the huge differences between corn ethanol and cellulosic ethanol? While only the US seems to be pushing inefficient and unsustainable corn ethanol, most countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, etc) are developing cellulosic ethanol, a far more efficient and sustainable biofuel. Of course, there may be some sustainability issues there as well, but it's a totally different game from the issues behind corn ethanol...
redwood - we aim to please!
mathias - could you perhaps explain in more detail the differences between both sets of ethanol?
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