Friday, January 5, 2007

Sevilla, Spain to Take On Cuba's Reading Model

The town council of Sevilla, Spain has decided to handle its literacy problems, with about 15,000 who cannot read and write, and nearly 331,000 do not have any academic qualification, by looking to Cuba. The Seville Town Council recently announced it is working to apply the Cuban literacy method "Yes, I Can" it in that Spanish region.

Link : La Prensa Latina
Tags : Cuba, Spain, Literacy

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Venezuela : New VP is a Psychologist

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez doesn't officially start his new term in office until January 10th but he already is making some changes in his cabinet. Chavez has appointed a new Interior Minister and a new Vice President, the latter who is a psychologist.

Link : la Prensa Latina
Tags : Venezuela, Hugo Chavez

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Nicaragua : Outgoing Presidente Fingered for Corruption

Outgoing Nicaraguan President Enrique Bolaños and his administration are being accused of widespread corruption by a transition commission designed by the elected president Daniel Ortega who takes office on January 10th. Among the accusations are payment of high wages to people with false names, misappropriation of funds and excessive payments for auditing and consultancy.

Link : La Prensa Latina
Image : Radio Nederland Wereldomroep
Tags : Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, Enrique Bolanos

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Cuba : Fidel Sends New Year's Message

Cuban President Fidel Castro may be out of sight but that doesn't mean he's going to allow himself out of the minds of the Cuban people. Before 2007 was actually rung in on the Caribbean island, a statement from Castro, who hasn't been seen since last summer, was read on state-run radio stations.
Concerning my recovery I always said it would be a long process, but it's far from being a lost battle.I have not stopped being informed of the most important information and events. I discuss them with my closest comrades when cooperation on vital matters is called for.

Link : Yahoo! News
Tags : Cuba , Fidel Castro