Update (9.15pm): Though not a dictator per se, former Mexican president Luis Echeverria was cleared of genocide charges this afternoon.
human rights, guatemala, Chile
The English-language forum for all things Latin American, covering business, politics, and culture.
taking the lead amidst hope by investors of a presidential victory by Felipe Calderon.
-The bankruptcy of Brazilian national airline Varig will cost Brazil $1.3 billion in lost revenue as 1 million less tourists are expected to visit the country.
-Speaking of tourism,
-Chilean president Michelle Bachelet promised to help workers by introducing legislation designed to lower management fees on retirement accounts and allow more workers to receive pensions.
-Disagreements on how to control the
In semifinal action held on Tuesday and Wednesday,
Speaking of a “strategic alliance,” the government of
-Dan El-Padilla Peralta- this year’s commencement speaker at Princeton University who kept a 3.9 grade point average and hopes to study at Oxford University in spite of his illegal immigrant status.
-Paola Castro- a recent high school graduate with a 4.01 GPA and will start school at UCLA this fall after having immigrated from Nicaragua four years ago.-Guillermo Paniagua- a U.S. Army specialist who received his citizenship this week while stationed in
For some, the “American Dream” is impossible to reach and just an ephemeral, silly, and abstract notion. Yet if you read the tales of the people mentioned above, then it would definitely seem that this “Dream” is attainable and a true inspiration for those yearning for a better life.
(Image depicts mural by Xavier Cortada called “Stepping into the American Dream.”)
latin america, immigration, united states, American dreamIn the meantime, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is in St. Kitts for a summit of Caricom where, amongst other topics, he will make the case for
(Image depicts a protestor holding a marked ballot she claimed was left on a street).
Update: Blogger Mark in Mexico sheds some light on the millions of uncounted ballots.-Felipe Calderon says “I won the election” and it seems like the English-language media outside of
-CNN en Español reports that Felipe Calderon has a 1% lead over AMLO. More specifically, they report that it’s 36.3% for Calderon and 35.3% for AMLO with approximately 98% of ballots counted. (These figures are supported by an article posted by the Associated Press). People interviewed in
r candidate”- Roberto Madrazo of the PRI/Partido Verde alliance. Madrazo ended a distant third and, according to the Associated Press showed that the PRI’s “historic defeat six years ago was not a fluke.” Is it any wonder that the president of the PRI rejected data from exit polls as the polls were closing?
-Large gains were made by Mexican stocks, bonds, and currency today in the hope that Calderon will be declared the victor. These hopes are also shared by Wall Street movers and shakers.
And what have bloggers been saying about the Mexican election?
-Bloggings by Boz hits on 5 key points to take from the presidential election.
Peruvians divided over supporting free trade pact:
[Key to initials: AMLO = Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. RM = Ricardo Madrazo. FC = Felipe Calderon. IFE = Mexican electoral board]
1:45am- The final thought after a busy evening of unfulfilled expectations and high anticipation, courtesy of Mexico Today.
Good night and thank you.
1:20am- Here's what some news outlets have said over the past hour:
-Reuters: "A fiery leftist promising a war on poverty was in a dead heat with a Harvard-educated conservative...rising fears a a contested result could split the country."
-Associated Press: "An official count would begin on Wednesday and a winner will be delared once it's complete."
-BBC: "With a leftist and a conservative running neck and neck, officials decided to count all the votes before declaring a winner."
12:55am- A whirlwind of action over the past twenty minutes:
-Azteca America returns to its diatribe against "television networks from the United States" that "lied and bluffed you" by giving preliminary results.
-The president of the PRI spoke again with RM by his side and called for patience for the time being.
-At the same time, AMLO spoke in front of thousands of supporters at the Zocalo and enthusiastically told them to "smile because we have won."
-Lastly, FC spoke to a small group of supporters outside his campaign headquarters and urged them to support him in his "government of national action."
A few hours ago, the Washington Post's special blog on the elections posted the following: "Shades of Bush-Gore 2000?" Unfortunately that could be the case.
12:30am- Now FC just spoke publicly from his campaign headquarters and he cited individual exit polls that show him as the winner "from the time the first poll was redacted until now". Like AMLO, he has declared himself as the winner.
Here's hoping this doesn't get as ugly as the mudslinging during the campaign
12:25am- AMLO just finished speaking at a news conference and declared himself the winner based on the results from exit polls.
12:15am- So what happens now? According to Univision, the election will not be decided "for days." The "fast count" is really just an estimation done by a set of scientists based on the ballots reported to the IFE. The ballots will not be counted by hand until Wednesday and a more accurate count based by district may start on Friday.
Confused? Well, you're not the only one.
12:00am- Here are the results thus far according to the president of the IFE and based on a "fast count" of over 95% of the ballots:
The IFE cannot calculate a winner since the IFE's calculations "fall within the margin of error."
11:57pm- T-minus three minutes until the IFE's prelim report and the Mexican networks are hyping the anticipation.
11:40pm- CNN en Español reports on the results of the election before the
Hypocrisy? Now Azteca America’s Armando Guzman acknowledges that so far the ballots counted “may” favor FC, but warns that “this is a horse race” which is far from over.
mexico, election