According to an NBC/Telemundo poll released yesterday Latinos harbor mistrust against both of the major parties; a slim majority favor the Democrats while roughly one in five have a positive impression of the GOP. Furthermore, most Latinos (55%) polled disapproved of Obama’s job on immigration. In addition, the push by some Republicans for stronger immigration measures has helped them gain support with two groups who generally lean Democratic: women over fifty years of age and suburban women.
Despite what could be short-term electoral gains the poll revealed that the GOP risks alienating Latino voters. Latinos under forty- who could help boost voter registration numbers- mostly tend to support Obama (73%) and have a greater opposition to Arizona’s controversial immigration law (75%) compared to older Latinos. Also, most of those polled back Democrats over Republicans in handling issues such as dealing with immigration and protecting the interests of minorities. The GOP faces a double-edged sword in some states according to one pollster interviewed by the Wall Street Journal:
While a majority of voters tell pollsters they support the law, and tough stances on illegal immigration are likely to resonate this fall in such states as Nevada and Florida, Republican candidates in California might face a potential backlash from the state's more liberal electorateAn AP/Univision poll published earlier this month found that most Latinos view illegal immigration favorably and see immigration as a whole as being beneficial to society.
In California, "they risk alienating…independent voters who don't support deportations," said Mark Baldassare, chief executive of the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California.
Image- ABC News
Online Sources- CBS News, MSNBC, Newser, Wall Street Journal, Dallas Morning News
Self-Castration of Arizonans : Arizona Hara-Kiri and Sepuku - From Colorado : Thanks God, our main competitor in Conventions Tourism has commited suicide - Who will save Arizona ???
Please God, make my law unconstitutional in court !
The convention industry plans so many years in advance, the economic impact of the travel boycott won't be felt until "later on down the road". And that may be after the issue has already been resolved.
Nobody will ever know who where those nice people that decided not to visit Arizona. Nobody will ever sum up the losses of Arizona in Conventions and Tourism.
Rob Lang, a University of Nevada sociology professor and director of the Brookings Institution Mountain West division, said last week at the Metro Denver Economic Development Corp.'s annual "Report to Investors" luncheon that as a result of the new immigration law, " . . . one of your main economic development competitors in the region - Phoenix and Arizona . . . have unilaterally disarmed (themselves)."
Who will save Arizona ??. .... So, what is the best bet for Arizona saving face? .... That the courts intervene and find the law unconstitutional.
But while this legal battle takes place, The Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is extremely Ridiculous trying to solve the problems that she created by re-branding the image of Arizona and tinkering foolishly with the laws that she signed.
She has been manipulated by an extreme right that borders in Friendship with NeoNazis and White Supremacists. Study my posts on J. T. Ready and Russell Pearce, politicians that embrace the Nazis ( With Swastikas, Totenkops, SS Symbols, helmets, ridiculous uniforms of Nazism, Parades in Phoenix to the State Capitol, etc ..)
Youth, Minorities, Demography and Politics :
Vicente Duque
de Clermont - To Vincent Duque - Oh, please - "She has been manipulated by an extreme right that borders in Friendship with NeoNazis and White Supremacists." Give me a break. You do not agree with it so obviously racist and reactionary elements are behind it. What a pathetic crock. So by that logic, Obama is a marxist socialist because he pushed through a health care bill that 68% of the Americans do not want. Why is it on the Left that anything they do not like it is automatically described as racist, or reactionary or Neo-Nazi. Get your own brain and stopping using the one that your group lends to you. The law only mimics federal law and and allows local police to determine a detainees legal status. You have drunk the wacko Hispanics' Rights group Kool-Aid.
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