We can make it, if we continue building a safer border and if we transform it in a border that does not divide our peoples, in a land of opportunities and progress. We can make it, if we develop a comprehensive, fair and long term solution to the challenges that migration currently poses. I know that we share the interest in promoting dignified, legal and orderly living conditions to all migrant workers. Many of them, despite their significant contribution to the economy and to the society of the United States, still live in the shadows and, occasionally, as in Arizona, they even face discrimination.For his part, U.S. President Barack Obama admitted that the controversial measure in Arizona arose from a “frustration over our broken immigration system.” He also pledged that he would tackle the much-delayed federal immigration reform yet warned that there may not be sufficient Congressional support.
Calderon’s state visit to DC will also focus on other issues including trade and increased drug-related violence in Mexico. These topics will likely be touched on when Calderon speaks at an upcoming joint session of Congress.
Image- CBS News
Online Sources- CBC, The Latin Americanist, Chicago Sun-Times, BusinessWeek, MSNBC
The hypocrisy and outright mendacity of people like Calderon is breathtaking. He belongs to a privileged oligarchy in Mexico that has plundered the country and oppressed its Indian and Mestizo peoples for centuries. Anyone with even a passing familiarity with Mexico knows how the elites treat their servientes. They have been utterly unable to solve their own endemic problems of poverty, unemployment and corruption so letting untold millions migrate to the U.S. solves many of these problems.At least temporarily.But it's easy to blame the Yanquis and stooges like Obama make it all the easier. What would the reaction have been in Mexico if a foreign leader had addressed the Mexican congress and spent most of the time criticizing Mexican laws and attitudes, There would have been near universal outrage. Am I not correct? The U.S. should pattern its immigration laws after those of Mexico by which every police officer is obligated to ask foreigners to prove their legal status in the country and by which no polical protest by foreigners is tolerated. Mexico's treatment of migrants from Central America is abysmally bad. Get your own house in order first.
Videos : Nazi Parades in Phoenix Arizona - Photos : Republican friends in Legislature embrace Nazis - Swastikas and Nazi SS Murderer Symbols
Here you see the two videos under the text :
These are videos of Bullies, Thugs and Scoundrels parading the Worst Nazi Racist Symbols of Murder against Jews in Phoenix Arizona, and the Flags of Infamy. And being aggressive towards the spectators.
Other websites show you the photos that connect this Imbecility and Brutality with Arizona Politicians like Russell Pearce, this guy is the main actor pushing for Racist Legislation.
Russell Pearce is an abuser that beats and kicks his wife, as is shown in divorce papers. He has made many racist declarations.
"Further, the husband, RUSSELL KEITH PEARCE, is possessed of a violent temper, and has from time to time hit and shoved the wife, the last time being on February 3 [1980], when he grabbed the wife by the throat and threw her down."
Feathered Bastard
Did state Representative Russell Pearce ever beat his wife LuAnne?
By Stephen Lemons, Monday, Jul. 21 2008 @ 8:54AM
Comments (17)
Categories: Feathered Bastard
See here :
nauiocelotl — November 10, 2009 — 11-07-09
Naui (Mexican) vs Nazi scum NSM . Phoenix , Arizona Part 1
Naui (Mexican) and Stephen Lemons vs Nazi scum NSM . Phoenix , Arizona Part 2
Call the two videos in YouTube.com or watch them here :
Vicente Duque
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