* A creative yet freaky-looking ad campaign by an Ecuadorian plastic surgery office. (See the above image of an altered Shakira).
* Speaking of ads, is this ad campaign by a Brazilian business magazine creative or tasteless?
* Andres Oppenheimer vs. Jose Miguel Insulza.
* Mexican or Colombian? What’s the difference?
* John McCain’s backing of last year’s immigration reform bill has been a liability according to this blogger.
* The title of this post says it all: “Immigration myths on cable TV.”
* Is Jamaica’s Prime Minister homophobic?
* A look at the award-winning Youth and Children Orchestras of Venezuela.
* Are Colombian guerillas in cahoots with Salvadoran politicos?
* Lastly, a brief debate on whether or not there should be a national museum for Latinos in the U.S.
Sources- MetaFilter, Global Voices Online, copyranter, Overheard in New York, Gothamist, Michelle Malkin, Bloggings by Boz, Two Weeks Notice, Tim’s El Salvador Blog, redblueamerica.com
Image- Ads of the World
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