Such things are actually pretty common in the Latino community with citizens often being asked and offered money to marry an undocumented friend of a friend or citizens selling marriage vows for thousands upon thousands of dollars and then falling off the face of the Earth. Eugenia got caught is the difference.
But a completely different analysis brought up by a fellow blogger really hits the nail on the societal head. Bint Alshamsa writes:
I understand that bigamy is a crime and we can go back and forth about whether that should even be the case, but what about if Lopez had only married one guy at a time, after legally divorcing the husband she was with before? Why should it be a crime for one person to marry someone in exchange for money?Things that make you go hmmmm. I'm sure race has nothing to do with this whatsoever.
When Catharine Zeta Jones married Michael Douglas it was rumored that their pre-nup stipulated that she would receive 3.2 million dollars for every year that they remained married. Now, tell me, if that's allowable under the law, why is it illegal for someone to marry someone if the main reason for doing so is to secure citizenship? Why is government in the business of deciding whose reasons for marrying should be valid?
Sources : The National Ledger and My Private Casbah
This story is not about a Cuban.
It's about an US legal resident, who happens to be of Cuban descent, which is utterly insignificant, and it takes place in Florida, which is significant.
A Cubana by any other name is still a Cubana, in my book anyway.
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