Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez- who has been the most vociferous opponent of the pact- claimed that the deal is part of a U.S. plan of “global domination” in Latin America. Bolivia’s Evo Morales claimed that the sovereignty of states cannot “be brought or sold” and proposed that UNASUR signed a declaration prohibiting foreign countries from establishing a military presence. UNASUR president pro-tempore and Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa questioned the reasoning behind the pact that could be exploited for increased U.S. interventionism.
More moderate leaders also expressed their displeasure with the pact whose reported purpose is of combating narcotrafficking in the Americas. Argentine President Cristina Kirchner warned that "tomorrow, another country might want to do the same thing (with another foreign power)." Ahead of the summit, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva urged that his Colombian counterpart Alvaro Uribe “make written guarantees at the summit.” Chile’s Michelle Bachelet claimed that she has not read the agreement since neither officials in Bogotá or Washington have released the plan’s details.
For his part, Uribe defended the deal by claiming that its Colombia’s sovereign right to combat narcotrafficking. Uribe refused to explain the plan in more detail and instead choose to launch salvos against Colombia’s leftist guerillas.
Much like Uribe, U.S. officials have been mostly mum over the intricacies of the pact that is expected to soon be signed:
(The US deputy assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs, Christopher McMullen) asserted that the US military had enjoyed access to Colombian bases "for many years" and the planned deal was just an expansion of a longstanding accord.Image- Al Jazeera English (The presidents of Colombia and the U.S. recently met for discussions at the White House.)
He noted that under a current cap imposed by the US Congress, the number of US military personnel in Colombia was limited to 800. There have been only around 270 deployed over the past three years, he said.
Online Sources- AFP, Colombia Reports, El Tiempo, El Espectador, AP, NPR
For many years Ecuador has had American Military Bases.
Venezuela has ports for Russian Ships. And has been heavily armed by Russia and other European or Asian Countries.
Christopher McMullen asserted that the US military had enjoyed access to Colombian bases "for many years" and the planned deal was just an expansion of a longstanding accord.
There is a lot of Hypocrisy on the part of all these tropical demagogues and despots of Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, etc ... Vulgar Ignorant Militarotes of the worst barracks, Military Gorillas and Tyrants.
They have had military bases for the FARC Terrorists, Kidnappers and Murderers inside Ecuador and Venezuela.
Why are they whining now ??
They have sent weapons, money, etc ... to the terrorists.
Ecuador was filled with FARC Guerrillas for many years. And Correa was always hostile and aggressive against the Government of Colombia.
Rafael Correa is the main culprit of his own Humilliation. He didn't defend his territory from a Foreign Invasion of FARC.
He was always an aggressive blowhard against Colombia for many years before the Killing of Raul Reyes.
The Peace Loving people have applauded the action that killed this monster of murder, terrorism, crime, etc ... A guy that was extremely arrogant, and self assured that nothing could pass to him.
For many years before the killing Uribe said in public that the Depraved Murderer Reyes was in Ecuador in full sanctuary and protection.
FARC has killed and maimed thousand of peasant children with Land Mines, and dynamite bought in Ecuador. They also throw gas cylinders that destroy the houses of extremely poor old people.
They have burnt churches and small villages made of straw burning alive all the miserable peasants that take refuge in those buildings.
The USA has more problems that Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq ....
And some of these problems surround the Panama Canal.
Americans, please, don't be naive - Don't be fools before barbarians !!
Vicente Duque
Anti-Chavez/Correa rhetoric aside, how do you explain the opposition to the pact by the region's more moderate leaders?
Surely the likes of Lula and Bachelet are not in the same category as the "demogogues and despots" you label Chavez and his closest cohorts.
Sil Placet, Respice Meridies
I have Great Admiration for Lula and Bachelet ... I have read that they suffered a lot in early life .... I think that they are well intentioned people. The same for the president of Mexico.
I also like and admire the President of Peru Alan García. He is not perfect and perhaps made mistakes in the past, but he is a wonderful guy ...
My preferred statesman is Mr Obama.
Every president defends the "interest" of his own country or his own personal political interest, not that of other nations.
Once a guy helps terrorists in their endeavors of Murder, Kidnapping, Cruelty, etc ... that guy loses my favor.
I do not love those that help to sow land mines that kill and maim children.
It would be EXTREMELY WRONG for U. S. analysts of Foreign Policy not to note the Great Danger that these type of Barrack Militarists represent.
Add their Populism, Demagoguery and the trick of creating internal support by using the U.S., Colombia, Israel and others as bogeymen.
These nations are the daily punching bags of Chavez, and his minions of Nicaragua and Ecuador.
There are unresolved problems for U. S. Foreign Policy in Muslim Countries ..... but "Look to the South" because there are Powerful Storm Clouds ....
Sil Placet, Respice Meridies
"Please, Look to the South"
( before things become worse by doing nothing )
The USA is a strong nation now ... I hope that strenght is not lost, or there will be a lot of troubles ....
Vicente Duque
August 28, 2009
Unasur, meeting of presidents.
Uribe sings clearly, clearer than all roosters of the World
He uncovers the Hypocrisy of Chavez, Correa and Ortega.
This man has "cojones" to speak up to liers and scoundrels.
BIG BALLS OF STEEL to talk to Hypocrites
Mucho Macho against "Militarotes" ( despicable bullies from the worst Barracks )
Uribe said Venezuela is engaging in "war games", referring to threats made by Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez against Colombia, mentioning Chavez's threat to activate his war planes.
Uribe said "we've never threatened a neighbor." Uribe accused Chavez of "justifying leadership which tortures its citizenry, while at the same time what we get are threats that we are going to be bombed by Zukoi airplanes and insults to the Colombian people."
Other countries furnish weapons to the FARC ( this has been proved with serial numbers, weapons sold to the Venezuelan Army end up in the hands of Colombian Guerrillas )
Uribe : Other countries give Sanctuary to the FARC guerrillas
Uribew : Other countries ( neighbors ) give political support to the FARC Guerrillas.
Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador, etc ... have cooperation agreements with Colombia that they don't honor.
Two of the Most dangerous Terrorists :
Luciano Marín Arango, alias Iván Márquez, and Rodrigo Londoño, alias Timochenko o Timoleón Jiménez, are in Venezuela, receiving refuge and sanctuary from Chavez.
Uribe said : Some presidents are using the FARC Terrorist Guerrillas as allies.
MUCHO MACHO against despicable Military Gorillas.
Uribe was defending Military Cooperation with the United States of America against Narcos.
Vicente Duque
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