The pair of cops claimed in a sworn statement that 30-year-old motorist Rafael Rodriguez “became enraged” and beat up the policemen after being pulled over for a minor traffic infraction. Yet a video taken from one of the police cruisers showed that the cops- not Rodriguez- were the ones doing the assaulting. (As well as acting rather boorishly):
At one point, one of the officers -- it is not clear which one -- appears to mock Rodriguez by using an exaggerated accent as he repeats the suspect's assertion that another officer had told him that the blue-tinted lights on his car were permitted…Who knows how many years Rodriguez would’ve spent unfairly in jail had he been convicted. Were it not for the video Rodriguez would’ve gone down a creek without a paddle. Instead, it’s the lying, deceitful policemen who face possible punishment for their callous arrogance.
The two officers eventually walk back to the Geo Prizm. Wynkoop goes to the driver's side door and tells Rodriguez that he is issuing him a citation.
In accented English, Rodriguez, a permanent legal resident originally from El Salvador, responds, "I don't like your attitude."
The video shows Wynkoop ordering Rodriguez to turn off the car engine and get out of the vehicle. Rodriguez does not immediately do so, and Wynkoop opens the door and pulls him out. Rodriguez does not appear to strike either officer.
Wynkoop slams Rodriguez against the car and handcuffs one hand. Suddenly, Wilson pepper-sprays Rodriguez -- but also Wynkoop, who cries out, "I can't see, dude!"
The three men go out of camera range, then Rodriguez comes back and sits down near his car. Seconds later, Wynkoop returns, grabs Rodriguez by the shoulders and slams him against the Prizm. At this point, Wilson strikes Rodriguez several times in the head with his retractable police baton.
The three men again go out of camera range, and Rodriguez is heard repeatedly crying, "Don't kill me!"
Image- examiner.com
Online Sources- washingtonpost.com, WTOP
I think that the United States is not a Nation in Decadence, It may be that the best times have not yet arrived.
And that U. S. - Latin American Relations are of Extreme Importance in every sphere : Cultural, Political, Economic, Trade, etc... For Mutual Benefit.
Most Americans are not Monsters of Racism and Sadism, but there is growing phenomenon of Hate TV and Hate Radio.
Without attacking or perturbing the Great Notion and Right of Free Speech. I think that Mr Obama and Mr Holder ( Department of Justice ) have a Big Work ahead, so that Minorities are respected.
The Kernel of American Politics is Race, that is Minorities and their Destiny.
If the likes of Limbaugh, Dobbs, O'Reilly, Hannity, Ingraham, continue sowing winds.
Then the whole American Nation will gather a crop of tempests.
Vicente Duque
The command that rightist blowhards like Hannity, Dobbs, et al. have on a gullible audience is nothing short of astonishing.
(In all fairness, I cannot stand some commentators on the left like Olbermann).
Whatever their ideology may be, their transformation of political discourse into shouting matches and pandering to the lowest common denominator is simply sad.
Being more liberal than conservative, I could take personal glee in seeing key GOP members (i.e. Steele) kowtow to Limbaugh. Instead, I'm ashamed that they allow themselves to be part of such a pitiful political circus.
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