Therefore, it is disheartening to read that a character nicknamed the “Angel of Death” should feel that he can get away with his crimes:
Two notorious figures from Argentina's military dictatorship refused to testify Thursday before a judge investigating the 1977 kidnapping and disappearance of a 17-year-old Swedish girl, government news agency Telam reported…Online Sources- The Latin Americanist, Wikipedia, IHT
Imprisoned former navy officers Alfredo Astiz and Jorge Acosta refused to respond to a federal judge's questions in court on Thursday, Telam reported. The hearing was closed to the public and court officials could not be reached…
Astiz, known as the Angel of Death, is accused in dozens of abuses under the dictatorship's campaign against leftist dissidents and suspected sympathizers, including the disappearance of two French nuns and the founder of the famed human rights group, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo.
Image- BBC News
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