The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act was presented once again to the Senate by the bill’s co-sponsors- Republican Sen. Dick Lugar and Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin. “This measure will provide these young people with an incentive to move towards permanent residency while pursuing an education or other worthwhile service,” said Lugar of the proposal.
Update: The DREAM Act was also presented to the House of Representatives by a pair of legislators on both sides of the aisle: Reps. Howard Berman (D-CA) and Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL).
Under the bill, undocumented immigrant children would obtain citizenship by fulfilling certain criteria. They must have come to the U.S. before the age of 16, cannot be older than 30, have lived in the U.S. for five years minimum, graduated from high school or obtain a GED, have “good moral character” and either attend college or enlist in the military for two years. Despite all the details for eligibility, the Migration Policy Institute observed that 715,000 undocumented youth between 5 and 17 would be eligible for “conditional legal status” under the proposal.
The DREAM Act is a bill that should be backed as it provides promising youth the opportunity to become fine citizens of the U.S. Their potential should be nurtured and encouraged rather than demonized and left unrealized.
The pro-DREAM Act website Dreamactivist.org provides several ways to help support the proposal:
1. CALL - The National Council of La Raza has a page to help you call your congressional representatives in support of the DREAM Act.Image- daylife.com (“Students and immigrants march toward the Federal Building carrying a sign that calls for passing the Dream Act...Tuesday, May 1, 2007.”)
2. FAX - America's Voice has a page to help you fax your congressional representatives in support of the DREAM Act.
3. EMAIL - Change.org has a page to help you email your congressional representatives in support of the DREAM Act.
Online Sources- Dreamactivist.org, Hispanosphere, San Diego 6, wane.com, The National Council of La Raza, America's Voice, Change.org, Vivirlatino
I find the "Dream Act" very natural, good, responsible, human and kind.
I hope that the Democratic Party supports it. If the Republican Party opposes it then it is declaring that it does not want Latinos in its tents.
Latinos should concentrate all their efforts in Education, Education and Education. That is good for them and for America and her Future Economy.
California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero and other CA legislators are fighting a system that stops and traps the Minorities.
There is an "Exit Exam" for youngsters that finish "High School". But the exam is a trapdoor to catch "disabilities" that Minorities may have in California. I have poor information but I suspect that this exam may be culturally biased and does not measure real skills and potentials.
Even entrepreneurs are angry because they need the new employees.
They have sued and challenged the system in court and many legislators are joining the California Senate Majority Leader.
The research firm squandered the state money miserably and stupidly and Ms Gloria Romero is very angry.
Education is the future of Minorities, including Latinos and Latinas.
There are predictions on the Internet that Latinas will go upwards in Corporations and Business faster than Latinos for Marketing Reasons and also because of Demographic Reasons.
More Information here :
Vicente Duque
I suport dream act bc its for students, kids and eduacation......its not their fault to being illegal when u broght here when u were only 5,6 or 7 yrs old??.i odnt see their fault in it...so i dont see any problem giving them a chance.....and let them have furture education......i opose the amenesty for workers who knowingly enter here but i suport the dream act its for students and kids u cant stop their education just bc its their parents fault....so i truly belive that they schold pass DREAM ACT but opose any amenesty to workerss......
Those who support deportation and use the notion of 'illegal aliens' are racists. Every American was once an 'illegal alien' - immigrants should have the same rights, notwithstanding their legal status.
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