Organizers of the protests claim that the “Tracterazo” events aren’t anti-government per se, but are designed to “demand increased security, better work conditions, and…social peace.”
Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo’s election win helped end sixty years of one-party rule yet his first four months in office have been a mixed bag. On the one hand, Lugo has gradually tackled the need for land reform and has made progress in implementing social programs. On the other hand, tensions have risen with neighboring Brazil and economic problems have led to some unique protests:
Two women let themselves be crucified on wooden crosses and carried around Paraguay's capital…as part of citywide protests demanding President Fernando Lugo grant funds for low-income housing.Image- Guardian UK (Fernando Lugo on the campaign trail earlier this year).
Members of various homeless organizations nailed the women's hands and bound their feet to crosses in a plaza to pressure the Social Action Secretariat to give them $1 million to purchase land and build homes.
Sources (English)- The Latin Americanist, USA TODAY, IPS, Xinhua
Sources (Spanish)- Ultima Hora, ABC Digital, neike.com.py
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