Thursday, December 18, 2008

Argentines seize Iranian property

The property of an ex-Iranian diplomat was seized as part of the Argentine government’s investigation into a deadly 1994 bombing.

The judicial order by an Argentine magistrate allows the government to seize and auction off the property to pay for victims of the 1994 attack of a Buenos Aires Jewish center. According to the judge’s order, the seized property was owned by fugitive Mosehn Rabbani, the former Iranian cultural attaché to Argentina.

The argentine government has accused Iran’s government of masterminding the bombing (image) which killed 85 people. Interpol has warrants out for six Iranians and several intelligence agencies believe that Hezbollah carried out the attack.

During her September appearance at the U.N. General Assembly, Argentine president Cristina Kirchner called for Iran to extradite five Iranians wanted in connection with the bombing:
``I ask Iran to please allow Argentine justice to judge, in public and transparent trials with all the guarantees of a democratic system, those citizens who stand accused,'' Fernandez said during a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Image- BBC News
Sources- BBC News, New York Times, Xinhua, Reuters, Bloomberg

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