Today is the last day to vote for the winners of this year’s Weblog Awards. There are numerous categories that one can vote in such as “Best Weblog in Music,” “Best New Weblog”, and “Weblog of the Year”.
The 2008 Bloggies also includes a category for “Best Latin American Weblog;” five finalists were selected:
Denken Über is a blog dedicated to technology and information on the Internet. The site’s motto is “un simple weblog” (a simple blog) though its detailed entries belie such an insignia.
- Sample posts - La television como comunidad. Desafíos para la publcidad online en 2008.
Venezuela News and Views is a staunch anti-Chavez blog (and seemingly proud of that). Whether one agrees with the blog’s viewpoints or not, the blog provides an insightful look into one side of a polarized country.
Bibi’s Box is a potpourri of different topics including art, animation, and literature. The blog is a refreshing look into the author’s interests and innate curiosity.
- Sample posts – La Vie Parisienne. Lunch in a Box.
El Espacio de la Omnipresente Chela dedicates itself to “alternative entertainment” and includes critiques of music, animation, and video games. Posts are short and the author definitely knows his chops.
- Sample posts – Blue Harvest de Colección. Omnifrase No.66.
The Wired Blog is a team effort that focuses on geek-ish things. Entries vary from comics and video games to oddities.
- Sample posts – Bicicleta de madera. Qué hace que un sitio sea exitoso?
Voting ends tonight so don’t delay in choosing your crème de la blog crème!
Sources- The 2008 Bloggies, The Wired Blog, Bibi’s Box, Denken Über, Venezuela News and Views, El Espacio de la Omnipresente Chela
Image- iStockphoto
Thanks for the mention and the links! :)
Thanks for the mention.
And yes, I am proud of having opposed Chavez since before he became president. Never voted for the man nor any of his initiatives. And I am sad to add that Chavez has managed to be much worse than what I expected him to be in 1998.
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