Republican presidential hopeful John McCain spoke out against several leftist leaders like Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez. In a speech earlier today in
Links- CBS4, Guardian
Image- ABC News
The English-language forum for all things Latin American, covering business, politics, and culture.
Republican presidential hopeful John McCain spoke out against several leftist leaders like Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez. In a speech earlier today in
Links- CBS4, Guardian
Image- ABC News
scary stuff.
as I see it, McCain is about the only Western leader with the sort of tough-talk integrity to call Chavez's bluff.
keep your eye on those two Venezuelan funded bases in Bolivia and her desire to reclaim the land lost to Chile. this could get hot.
I was surprised to read that Rudy is the front runner.
When McCain went the extra mile in the 2004 convention against his friend Kerry and for the Bush who played a dispicable race card in South Carolina against McCain, I figured he'd sold his soul to the Republican machine.
On the one hand, McCain has done a fine job to promote the "straight-shooter" image, yet at the same time he has acquiesced to Republican leadership.
By the way, I wonder how the non-Cuban latino community would react to a McCain-Giuliani ticket?
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