For those in the New York City area, Our Brand is Crisis will air starting tonight and for the next two weeks at Manhattan's Film Forum.
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For those in the New York City area, Our Brand is Crisis will air starting tonight and for the next two weeks at Manhattan's Film Forum.
Does anyone know if this will be coming to the DC area again any time soon??
These things often debut in NYC, then trickle into the rest of the country based on demand, I think. I actually saw a great documentary here on the Iraq war that was supposed to be distributed nation-wide but it wasn't because of lack of demand. Maybe if you ask a movie theater about it, or visit the website something might come of it. Any thoughts Erwin?
Estimados, si aún no vieron "Our brand is crisis" yo tengo una versión en DVD de la copia sin subtítulos y otra en en VHS, con menos calidad, pero con todos los subtítulos. Cualquier cosa escriban a richardbolivia@yahoo.es
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