In a report released this week, the College Board called on the government to pass the DREAM Act- a proposal that would permit undocumented students to legalize their immigration status. "Undocumented students in the United States are currently trapped in a legal paradox," said one of the study’s co-authors who observed that tens of thousands of students were unfairly falling through the cracks. The report also decried the recent push by several states to ban illegal immigrants from paying in-state tuition and even from enrolling in their public colleges.
The DREAM Act- which was re-introduced into Congress last month- provides very specific criteria for promising and bright young adults who aspire to continue learning or courageously serve their country in the military. Nevertheless, the bill has its detractors:
(...)Ira Mehlman, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said the Dream Act allows illegal immigrants to take scholarship opportunities away from native U.S. residents. It's unfair, he said, to reward those who violated the law to get to this country.Image- savingadvice.com
"If you ask any illegal alien why they came to America, the answer, invariably is, 'Well, I wanted to do better for my family,' and this gives them precisely what they broke the law to achieve," Mehlman said.
The bill would allow students who illegally entered the U.S. when they were 15 or younger to apply for conditional legal resident status if they have lived in the country for five or more years and graduated from high school or received a GED. If they attended college or served in the military for two or more years, they could be granted citizenship.
Online Sources- CNN, The Latin Americanist, College Board, MSNBC, Los Angeles Times
This is a crucial piece of legislation that will prevent us from reduplicating the horrendous situation Europe has with its immigrants who, often even to the third generation, aren't citizens. This has caused a lot of integration problems there that we have so far avoided.
The Dream Act is a NO BRAINER
America should not squander the Treasure and Asset of Youth.
The Young Latinos are a clay that can be modeled in Great Engineers, Scientists, Biologists, Professors, Sociologists, Artists, etc .. to make America Great in the Future, and not to fall behind in the Future Confrontation of Great Economic and Scientific Super Powers. A future confrontation of brains.
Overcoming Racial Prejudices, Latinos will be the next generation of Scientists and Professionals.
Youth ! - Divine Treasure !!
( from a famous poem )
Tough Economic Competition ahead - For the USA of America
What is necessary to face that competition : Mr Obama has said that America faces tough economic competition ahead from China, India and other nations. Mr Obama said that in Mid April of 2009 in Georgetown University.
Famous Economist Jeffrey Sachs, Prof. Sachs is the Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, Sachs says that Brazil and many other Third World Countries are strong competition ahead for Developed Nations, even in industrial Products. He sees an economic awakening of third world nations. Exactly the opposite of what racists preach.
So the "Dream Act" is very intelligent, and all small pieces of Legislation that favor Youth or Latino Youth for Education.
I collect Videos of Gregory Rodriguez, Henry Cisneros and many other prominent Latino Leaders, and they say that the Future of the USA can be enhanced by the Young Latinos.
Help Latinos and they will help the USA to speed ahead, because they are young. Frustrate them and the Economic Forces of the USA will lose an asset and treasure.
Forget all racism and idiotic theories of Racial Intelligence. It is necessary to educate now the Latino Boom, so that America has Great Scientists, Engineers, Biologists, Sociologists, Psychologists, Politicians and Leaders.
I collect videos of Lectures of Latino Leaders and Great Economists in my sites RACIALITY.COM and MILENIALS.COM :
Vicente Duque
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