Friday, November 21, 2008

Brazil could be global power says intel report

The National Intelligence Council (NIC) released its quadrennial report on future global trends. The intel report prognosticates that U.S. global dominance may deteriorate by 2025 as the world enters “an increasingly unstable and unpredictable period”.

However, the NIC account also predates that a major “power shift” will occur around the world with one of the main beneficiaries found in Latin America:
The current trend of global wealth and economic power shifting roughly from West to East, described as "without precedent in modern history", will continue.

Brazil, Russia, China and India are picked as countries which might benefit, boosted by rising oil and commodity price rises that have generated windfall profits for the Gulf States and Russia, as well as a shift in manufacturing and some service industries to Asia.
Aside from Brazil’s increased strength, the rise of China will likely have strong repercussions throughout the Americas. As we’ve mentioned before, China is increasing its political and economic influence throughout Latin America in a way that could significantly impact the region. (Could the days of U.S. dominance over Latin America soon be over?)

Image- BusinessWeek (2007 photo of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visiting a Petrobras oil platform).
The Latin Americanist, Guardian UK, AFP, BBC News, CTV

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