Friday, October 24, 2008

Tensions on border of Brazil and Paraguay

Tensions are high once again between South American neighbors Paraguay and Brazil, which share a border of over 800 miles. The current spat is centered around Brazilian military exercises being conducted in the border region and allegedly on the infamous "Friendship Bridge" (Ponte da Amizade) that connects the cities of Ciudad del Este and Foz do Iguaçu.

According to senior Brazilian officials cited in the coverage of the of the story in the New York this week, the military exercises are common and related to combating illegal commerce in the region -- and have nothing to do with historic tensions over farmland in the region that date back over a century.

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo warned Brazil earlier this week that “not even one millimeter of the territorial sovereignty of the country can be bothered,” adding that such a scenario would necessitate that “the Paraguayan reaction will be swift.”

Regional coverage of the story suggest that the tensions are yet to be resolved, but are mostly focused on the harm to Paraguayan border commerce.

Sources: Diario Vanguardia, NY Times, Wikipedia.

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