Besides campaign against reproductive rights Verástegui has taken up the cause against gays. He has given his public support to California's Proposition 8, a proposal that would bar gay marriage statewide.
Despite heavy campaigning for and against the proposition, recent polls show that Californians are nearly divided in half.
Verástegui may have renounced his beefcake image after his religious conversion but does that make his stance on Prop 8 and birth control hypocritical? One blogger explains:
So here is the question: If this dude clearly had no problem exploiting his body and sexuality for his professional advancement, where does he get off telling women what to do with their bodies and reproductive rights? I've always tended to be sympathetic to the right's view that most celebrities --especially those with out artistic virtue-- should keep their mouths fastened shut when it comes to politics (paging Susan Sarandon), and this guy could use a whole lot of duct tape.Verástegui has his right to speak out on the issues even if one disagrees with them (like I do). But perhaps it may be wise for him to remember the old adage: "zapatero a su zapato" ("shoemaker stick to your shoes") and focus on his acting.
(Hat tip: Guanabee).
Image- lifenews.com (Screenshot from Eduardo Verástegui’s pro-life video)
Sources- The Latin Americanist, People en Español, California Voter Guide, Hispanic Business, U.S. News and World Report, Miami New Times, Guanabee
That is the whole point of a conversion, to take off the old and put on the new. What Eduardo Versategui has done is foresake all that has made him rich and famous in order to follow God's Divine plan for his life and encourage others to do the same, even at the expense of offending some. Not an easy road, but one worth traveling. Grace and Peace.
Thanks very much for your comment.
Verastegui decided to convert and it is something I fully respect. Yet he still maintains some level of wealth and fame. If the "whole point" of doing a conversion is to forsake that it then appears that he hasn't fully converted. If that is the case then his public stance may appear contradictory.
Hi Erwin -
Good point, but I feel that the wealth and fame in and of itself is not the problem, but rather the motive and means one goes about achieving those ends. Versategui freely admits that, in the past, he exploited his body and God-given talents to become rich and famous. After converting, he actually wanted to move to Brazil and become a monk, but was encouraged to remain in Hollywood and instead use his gifts to glorfiy God. Whatever fame and success he has achieved is only a by-product of the work he is doing for God and is no longer the ultimate goal.
OK, ask anyone in Mexico “in the know” in the entertainment industry, and they will tell that Eduardo is GAY, closet or not.
He came to the US, lived with Ricki Martin, fell in love with him, but Ricki dumped him. He is known to be gay, but all of a sudden he starts to have issues with being dumped and gay, and decides to go “religioso”.
I mean it’s fine if he wants to go CONservative Catholic and hide his gayness behind the Catholic Church (how apropos!). But how dare he come to the United States of America, where he is a GUEST in our homeland, and attempt to sway latinos in the US with his archaic views of marriage. Even our “madre patria”, Spain which is a Catholic country, allows gay marriage.
I mean if he is closeted and can’t deal with it, or rather figures he will hide behind the Catholic Church closet, fine. But don’t go about PROACTIVELY trying to deny gay Californians marriage equality. And in country that is not even his.
He lives within 2 miles of GAY West Hollywood, and yet he is doing this nonsense. Trust me, Hollywood is gay and if he thinks moving to Los Angeles will help him, I think he has a rude awakening waiting for him. He just committed career suicide in LIBERAL hollywood. Can we say “persona non grata”?
Even our great Senator Feinstein from California, who is semi conservatives, knows that we should vote:
NO ON 8 … or as she says NO ON DISCRIMINATION!
“Proposition 8 would be a terrible mistake for California. It’s about discrimination and we must always say NO to that.”
Eduardo Verastugui is not gay and never was. A lot of people say these things about him because of his divine beauty and talent. I think it is commendable and courageous for him to stand up for his faith and conviction, even if he does committ "career suicide" in gay hollywood. We need more entertainers like him who are an example of being real men of God.
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