"The immigration debate has turned the climate of this country into something very nasty," [Mark] Potok said. "A lot of this is due to the vile propaganda coming out of these hate groups…"
“If it were merely the groups in a corner by themselves it wouldn't be worrying," Potok said. "But now the propaganda is being circulated by the mainstream media."
Potok said conspiracy theories by the groups have been picked up and given validation by CNN and some national politicians.
Among the worst offenders, Potok said, are CNN's Lou Dobbs and Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa).
One of the “hate groups” targeted by the SPLC’s report- the Federation
for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)- responded in a statement.
A FAIR spokesman criticized the study’s methodology and accused the
SPLC of representing “self-serving political interests.”
Sources- Philadelphia Inquirer, prnewswire.com, SPLCenter.org, Associated Press
Image- tolerance.org
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