He's got the look. He's got the talent and he certainly has the corazon.
Ricky Martin is going to participate next week in the United Nation's Global Initiative Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking. This is an issue that Ricky has been working on through his namesake foundation. He will be in good company. Also expected at the forum are Suzanne Mubarak, the First Lady of Egypt and Emma Thompson, the Oscar-winning actress.
Source : Press Release
good guy, good for him
muy bueno hombre
how many people are for human trafficking? none.
what risk to his reputation, indeed his personal safety comes by opposing human trafficking? none.
wise up. he may have a big heart, but this act is evidence of nothing but a good PR agent.
let's see him support the HRC calls to conduct investigations of international CEO's for human rights violations.
let's see him support impoverished nations calls to restructure debt through a multinational forum.
To Redwood,
do some research before replying here;
he has most probably done more against children's trafficing then you.
Weak reply
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