Murguía singled out Pat Buchanan, Lou Dobbs, and Glenn Beck for their rhetoric on the airwaves. Regarding Beck, for instance, Media Matters noted this 2006 diatribe from his Headline News program:
On his second night as a CNN Headline News host, nationally syndicated radio host Glenn Beck devoted the opening monologue and first guest interview of the May 9 edition of Glenn Beck to an attack on illegal immigrants, suggesting that they are "try[ing] to conquer our culture." Then, comparing the United States to a "big living room," Beck said of illegal immigrants: "I want you to hang out with me. You know what I mean? But don't come in and then just pee all over the carpet and say, 'Hey, this place is mine. This is my couch.' I mean, I invited you in. Now come on, be a part of the family." Beck also said a Spanish-language version of the national anthem "sounded like Enrique Iglesias was throwing up on a mariachi band and then recorded it."
Image- BBC News
Sources- New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Media Matters, Associated Press
Get the haters out of here! No one needs them, and they cause problems. Let's get rational people into the debate. Start educating people with truth, not frightened ignorance. Get things out there like this http://urlbrief.com/975fbe , which is funny and brings immigration to light in a fun way.
The first haters that must be banished to hell is NCLR and all their affiliated groups. Any comments that pass a negative view towards uncontrolled mass illegal immigration, and there are many, is countered with being racist or haters. Illegal aliens have broken our existing immigration laws and need to be held accountable. Don't narrow your little world to giving support to a lost cause and do what is best for the entire nation. Support borders (secure), language (English) and culture (American).
Help La Raza destroy the First Amendment by punishing anyone who disagrees with their radical views with DEATH!!!
There is a serious argument about what is acceptable speech, with the Anti-Defamation League makes and the NCLR draws on at http://www.wecanstopthehate.org/site/page/code_words_of_hate . If you want to debate the issue in a serious fashion, you are welcome to at
"Immigration and Hate Speech in America"
There is a serious argument about what is acceptable speech, with the Anti-Defamation League makes and the NCLR draws on at http://www.wecanstopthehate.org/ site/page/code_words_of_hate . If you want to debate the issue in a serious fashion, you are welcome to at
"Immigration and Hate Speech in America"
http://www.zimbio.com/Immigration+and+Hate+Speech +in+America
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