The pilot program was announced in November, supposed to start in June, and entails placing nine 98-foot towers equipped with radar, sensors and state-of-the-art cameras (image) along Arizona’s border with Mexico. The aim of which is mainly to combat illegal immigration and drug smuggling.
Plans are for 1800 towers to be placed along the
Sources- Associated Press, Corruption Chronicles, The Latin Americanist, azcentral.com
Image- Lens Culture
The solid border fence is no more effective. The Congressional Research Service found that the walls built in California and Arizona have had no net effect on the number of people residing in the US illegally. The Border Patrol and Dept. of Homeland Security have stated that the border wall called for by the Secure Fence Act will only slow a crosser down by a few minutes, rather than stop anyone. The only thing that they have done is dramatically increase the number of people who die in the desert going around them. The walls under consruction in Arizona and planned for Texas will devastate border wildlife refuges, pushing endangered species such as the Sonoran pronghorn and ocelot over the edge. Thanks to provisions of the Real ID Act DHS Secretary Chertoff has the authority to waive any law that gets in the way of consruction, and he has already waived the Endangered Species Act and other federal environmental laws to build border walls. That is why so many people are opposed to the border wall. There is more information at www.notexasborderwall.com and its associated blog. It is important that anyone who cares about human rights, the environment, or even the image that our nation projects internationally contact their Senators and Representatives and urge them to repeal the Secure Fence Act and abandon this $46 billion pile of defense contractor pork.
all you need to do to get rid of these towers is drive a big truck into them rendering them useless for a few hours and then cross all your pollos and drugs while the bp is trying to regroup. dude, all this is ridiculous. they should legalize drugs in order to control the means of production and leave the violent criminals without guaranteed profits and starving. the govt. needs to get a handle on this and avoid innocent people from dying due to drug and border violence.
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