Couldn’t think of one? Despite your forgetfulness, some presidential hopefuls still believe in the importance of campaign themes. (See: Clinton, Hillary).
A group of Barack Obama supporters called Amigos de Obama decided to create a song for their preferred choice for president with a reggaeton beat. (According to Wikipedia, reggaeton is “a form of dance music (that) blends Jamaican music influences of reggae and dancehall with those of
With help from fellow contributor Maegan la Mala, let’s all sing along with this small excerpt of the “Obama Reggaeton”:
They say we don’t count…
That we are invisible because we don’t vote…
But here we are and all this is gonna change …
We did the rallies and now we gonna vote.
Listen to me people, it’s time for something different.
What we need is a new president…
How do you say it… What’s his name?
Got any ideas for possible campaign themes in español? Here’s a few that may work out:
- Soda Stereo - Te Hacen Falta Vitaminas: Despite his charisma it would help if Obama had some more experience.
- Enrique Bunbury - El Extranjero: For Tom Tancredo’s strong anti-immigrant platform (and perhaps as a metaphor for his campaign which is getting little support according to the polls).
- Milton Nascimento - Durango Kid: Though it’s in Portuguese, this song makes sense after seeing this pic of Bill Richardson riding a horse.
- Juana Molina – Quien: Duncan Hunter and Mike Gravel. Who? Exactly.
- La Buena Vida - Otra Vez Tu: Just in case Al Gore decides to run again.
- Antibalas – Hypocrite: In honor of any candidate who flip-flops early and often. (Or if you are so inclined to do so, as an anti-Bush anthem).
Have any further suggestions for theme songs?
Sources- Wonkette, Vivirlatino, Wikipedia, YouSendIt
Image- Wonkette
Other theme songs might be:
For Bush's recent attempt to win Latin America favour - Rocio Durcal's "Me gustas mucho".
And Latin America's response to his flirting, Rocio Durcal's "Perdóname, Olvídalo"
Other theme songs might be:
For Bush's recent attempt to win Latin America favour - Rocio Durcal's "Me gustas mucho".
And Latin America's response to his flirting, Rocio Durcal's "Perdóname, Olvídalo"
Great suggestions, anon!
For those two things I would also add this classic song from Argentine duo Pimpinela.
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