According to the Colombian press, the congressmen’s deaths have been condemned by the U.S. Ambassador to
In addition, RCN reports that a source close to the investigation alluded to the possibility of former paramilitaries involved (as of time of publishing only this message appeared on RCN’s front page):
“Una fuente cercana a la investigación de los hechos dijo a Radiosucesos RCN que el grupo emergente 'Águilas Negras' habría provocado el combate con las Farc en el que murieron los ex diputados del Valle."
(Translation: “A source close to the investigation told RCN that the emerging ‘Black Eagles” group could have provoked an attack that the FARC claimed killed the parliamentarians from Valle del Cauca province.”)
Sources (English)- Guardian
Sources (Spanish)- El Tiempo, Canal RCN, RCN
Image- BBC News
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