Link- Reuters AlertNet
Image- AlterNet
Tags- international politics, MexicoThe English-language forum for all things Latin American, covering business, politics, and culture.
Link- Reuters AlertNet
Image- AlterNet
Tags- international politics, Mexico
Marcos' otra campaña came through town (Guadalajara) about six months ago. It wasn't a happy time. In local news reports - written by people sympathetic to the EZLN - many attendees seemed dejected and one said Marcos was leading "a dead movement."
Marocs has wanted no part of the election, the IFE and the PRD - especially Lopez Obrador - and long taken a negative view of the Mexican democratic system ... so this isn't really a surprise
From what you describe, David, it would appear as if Marcos & the EZLN are an afterthought in the minds of Mexicans. Would that assessment be accurate?
I'm interested in seeing how Marcos may modify his rhetoric after the elecctoral fiasco and once Calderon officialy becomes president. It's possible that marcos could have a resurgence as a leader on the left. What do you think?
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