Monday, October 10, 2005

Pat Robertson calls Hugo Chavez a 'nuclear threat'

Two months after suggesting the United States should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, televangelist Pat Robertson accused Chavez of negotiation 'with the Iranians to get nuclear material, and [sending] $1.2 million to Osama bin Laden after September 11th'. Robertson declined to say how he had come across this information. (VOA)


Erwin C. said...

Perhaps Robertson's "source" was the same one that helped the Brazilian psychic find Saddam:

Taylor Kirk said...
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Taylor Kirk said...

What a nutcase. He's obsessed, seriously.

Erwin C. said...

In an ideal world, demagogues like him would be ignored and powerless. Sadly, reality is much different.

Quico said...

Yeah, OK, Pat Robertson is a crank, no doubting that. The Nuclear Hugo hypothesis is not as crazy as it might sound, though, especially in the longer term...

The guy is cozying up to North Korea, going to the mat to defend Iran's nukes, trying to buy an Argentine nuclear reactor...there's enough there to put together a speculative but not-insane case that he's really going for it...