Now that everyone's reasonably sure Bolivian President Evo Morales will remain in the office, bring on the accolades.
Neighboring countries are complimenting the victory.
Cuba's official Granma said the win "shows again its democratic vocation and that it is possible to change."
Chile's foreign minister, Mariano Fernandez, called the outcome "heartwarming."
And Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez spoke up too, using "overwhelming" and "great joy" to laud the outcome.
We're still waiting on the official results, but exit polls show a 35 percentage lead between Morales and his competitor, former Governor Manfred Reyes Villa.
Read more accolades here.
Source: ChinaView
Photo: news.brown.edu
1 comment:
The absurd and Utopian figure of Ernesto "Che" Guevara - And the connection to Delusional Militarism
I have been watching several documentary movies about "Che" Guevara, with many leftists talking nonsense, with Hugo Chavez sending money for Mausoleums and Monuments to "Che" in Bolivia. With Evo Morales talking garbage. And "Che" being a saint in Bolivia like the Virgin Mary or the picture of the "Sacred Heart"...
With the Cuban and Venezuelan Diplomats in Ridiculous Ceremonies to honor the guy that carried Foreign Violence and Death to the Bolivian Peasants. I don't say Indians, because they are Indians only in appearance and I discover that they talk Spanish in very elegant form, without weird accents, that "Indian" Spanish would ashame many Nations of Latin America.
Che Guevara was extremely sick from "Asthma" at age 39, as is written in his diaries, but I suspect Lung Emphisema. He was in great pain and suffering during his last year in Bolivia, when he was killed, after being ambushed by the Bolivian Army.
He saw some of his best utopian friends being killed by the Bolivian Army. His Bolivian Journey was a Hell of Failures and Failures. His "Bolivians" deserted and went to the Military to tell where he was located.
Even Fidel Castro acknowledged, after Che's Execution, that General Rene Barrientos of Bolivia and his Military were extremely Intelligent in War. They repeatedly ambushed the guerrillas as Great Experts in that type of Warfare.
Che Guevara was very militaristic, he only saw the Militaristic Optic. These Che Guerrillas didn't prepare the Political Scene. They never knew what the "Indians" ( only in Race ) thought, in advance.
They had another utopian, a guerrilla lady called Tanya, who was half European, and with all the Romance of the sixties, like that other fool Regis Debray from one of the Noblest Families of France. These people were "Great Spies" but totally useless in the tough war against these Horrible, Dangerous and Murderous Enemy : The Bolivian Army, better than expected by everybody ! ....
These Che Friends knew absolutely nothing about Bolivia and thought that it was the same as Argentina or Cuba. They were so crazy that thought that they were going to initiate guerrillas in Peru and Argentina from their Bolivian Bases in the Jungle.
The connection to the Militaristic :
"Most People don't have the Imagination to see Reality" - Goethe
Goethe probably said this aphorism for Literature or ART. But it also applies to War and Politics.
Only Diplomacy and Talks can solve certain problem.
"Che" Guevara talked of the United States as if it was the Devil or a nation ruled by Devils, he never gave a second of thought to Politics or Diplomacy, or to being Professorial traveling though the World and preaching some kind of peaceful change. He only wanted more "Vietnam" everywhere and his talk was Glorified Nonsense, out of Reality.
He only thought of War. And he wrongly believed that all Third Worlders were heroes longing for Immortality. He even wrote that in Great Sadness : in his diaries he observed that the "Indians" didn't want Glory and Immortality !!
Perhaps the Bolivian "Indians" were more connected to Reality than him and his crazy companions, they were more connected to their cows, their goats, their sheep, their maize and lettuce.
What the Militarists need is an Icy Bath of Realism !.
Otherwise nations squander Money and Blood. To the horror of the Whole World
The Future of Foreign Policies :
Vicente Duque
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