Below are some of the lyrics of a satirical ditty from an outfit called "The Fox and Rice Experience". You can decide for yourself if the tune sung to the melody from "Feliz Navidad” is silly and in good fun or ugly and crass:
Illegals in my yard.On a related (and far more serious note), the U.S. Supreme Court will agree to hear a Fourth amendment-related case regarding immigrant deportations.
Illegals in my yard.
Illegals in my yard.
Hugo Chavez sends his kind regards.
They're going to tackle Pat Buchanan this Christmas.
They're going to chase down Lou Dobbs this Christmas.
They're going to join up with La Raza this Christmas.
Those illegals in my yard.
They're going to spread bubonic plague this Christmas.
They're going to bring me lots of bed bugs this Christmas.
They're going to pass tuberculosis this Christmas.
Those illegals in my yard.
Image- AIGA (International symbol sign for immigration controls)
Online Sources- The Latin Americanist, AP, Right Wing Watch
Don't call this a song.This is racist joke, Latinos we are here for work!!!
We are latinos,and we reserve RESPECT.
I am sure that the person that did write this, never have been outside of this country, and doesnt have anyone to love.
oh is a realy stupid parody supposing to be a joke but it realy sucks; you know just as those who wrote it making a wondeful jingle into stupidity those racist peaople realy not having nothing else to do. pretty pathetic bunch of racist dudes!
pretty much stupid and pathetic just as those who wrote it! you know turning a nice jingle from a respected singer Jose felciano into this! is realy a shame! those racist dudes definitly dont have nothing else to do! pathetic creeps!
yeah is realy dumb! how stupid & pathetic racist creeps whoever wrote that! we're all immigrants to this country and i love the U.S & respect those who aren't racist but I resist & ignore those haters freak!
you know that crossed the line! how idiots they are but anyway their end will not be any good at all!
The song is funny and true.. undocumented aliens are illegal aliens and belong in prison or sent home and if caught on my property will go home in a cardboard box!
It is hilarious
barryIts funny and people are too thinned skinned to take a joke. Relax and enjoy the holiday. Don't make more out of this than it is.....its a SONG, Parody...nothing more
La Raza is the hispanic KKK!!! The plan of San Diego WILL FAIL! Why dont the Mexican Immigrants man up and start a Revolution in Mexico and take their own country back instead of being little whiners and run to the USA. I bet you illegals dont even realize that in your home country there is an abundance of natural resources, if your people could just be brave enough and overthrow your country's dictator youd have your own USA. But coming to our country illegally makes you an invader, and thats a foreign enemy.
This is not a shot at LEGAL IMMIGRANTS that have come to MY country and filed the necessary papers to become U.S. Citizens. This is aimed directly at the thousands, nay, millions of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS that cross the borders illegally in the dead of night to take advantage of the United States social systems. If you are offended, then you are the problem. File your papers, swear the oath and become a citizen.
To say that we are ALL immigrants is a true statement. I don't have a problem with immigration at all. It is an orderly system whereby a citizen from another country---any other country---wishes to become a citizen of the United States. To come here, not pay taxes as ALL citizens do, take advantage of the social programs that our government has in place is a crime. To cross the border illegally is a crime. To not pay taxes on wages earned is a crime. So in short, ILLEGAL ALIENS are criminals. Period.
If they are here illegally they don't have any rights. Notice the word "Illegal" meaning against the law. We punish those who break the law. Maybe we should turn away on everyone who breaks the law, and not just illegal aliens? Oh wait, is that going to far? All those fighting for illegal aliens are dumb. I also love how it's a simple parody, a JOKE, it's not meant to mean ANYTHING, but someone since it's not directed at white people it's "racist." Today's society makes me laugh.
"Why dont the Mexican Immigrants man up and start a Revolution in Mexico and take their own country back instead of being little whiners and run to the USA."
Oh geesh. Because it's that easy. As a Mexican-American, it is tremendously sad (and at the same time humorous) how many "Americans" (I mean this in the hillbilly sense of the word) I have surpassed intellectually. I wonder if an extremely high GPA corresponds with higher tolerance for ignorance because this comment hardly bothers me at all. I suppose I'm satisfied with how stupid ignorant people come off when they try to voice their opinions. Keep going. It's fun.
Hello Beaners
all i have to say to you god damn whiteys... is get your asses off the couches and quit whining about how we illegals take your jobs for less pay. all you guys want is everything handed to you without ever lifting a finger to work...and if we were really bad we would open our gates and let real terrorist come through the back doors at the border. but we don't. so your welcome u racist a-holes
another thing... you talk about man up...why don't you and join the army for the fight in Iraq instead of asking other countries for help and offering illegals papers if they fight for you...man up bitch
i am from puerto rico
mexico stop cryng and go to your country
Hey anonymous, you think you can fool people. That's not a parody, it's a form of expression.You want to know why most of us can't go back to Mexico. First of the U.S came and took all of our natural resources and then they gave slave wages. Then they attacked us for the south-western states. The U.S took everything away from us. When we get that back, we will go back. Grab a history book will you. That's why America, the greatest country in the world, is being mocked stupid. I can even write better than some private school students and I learned in Mexico.
Those bastards. By saying Hugo Chavez, they instigate a theory that immigrants are communists.
listen "anonymous" you don't have a name i'll give you one how about Hitler or kkk white supermacist? why in the world would you just leave anybody alone and stop acting like you are so legal native? the only ones that are so are the native idians if you don't like it then you all europeans go back to europe!
listen you all bunch of xenophobes! you guys sound to me like that mediocre adolf hitler! you know he wasn't even a natural born citizen from Germany yet he acted like one them very hipocritical n dumb! yet i'm so that glad he's gone! an so when you all haters be gone too once n for all!
listen you all bunch of xenophobics! you guys look to me like that mediocre adolf hitler! he wasn't even from Germany yet he acted like if he was one of 'em very hipocrytical n dumb! yet i'm so glad now that he's gone! forever! and so will all of you haters be gone too forever once n for all racist fuckers!
It's truly sad that "people" would do something like that, the ignorance and hate that is put in this "song" is the mere reflection of their corrupt and disgusting world they live in.
If there's another time please be creative and don't ripoff others people's music. and last but not least go and !@#$%^&* your selves.
bullshit losers racists haters! hahahahahahah!!!!
I think the right thing would be to stop feeling sorry about ourself and keep moving foward we all have problems even Americans citizens that's just life. I f we want to be in this country we should live theway this country is and this country should give opportunities to the ones who really wants to become part of this society what I mean by that the ones who wants to become succesfull for the best of the country either you are white black or brown. American is the one who loves America and works for it ,not the one with the American flag in the front porch and taking advantage of it like taking the harvest without working on watering the seed .I m Mexican and I m against people taking advantage of it either withe,black or brown the land belongs to the one who works for it. This country is bless because is a nation under God ( God the creator and most powerfull ) the ones who try to change that should be out of here because the day this country stops serving God that day this country isgana hit the ground.
Look, when Lil Bush was a show it was funny to make fun of him. That's what satire is. Its not supposed to be necessatily nice. If this guy was a racist than he would be much more hateful and find less funny things to do with his time like hurt people. Its just humor, taking advantage of stereotypes. Why is it not racist to say that white people have no culture or rhythm. Double standards!
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