Today's Latin American news provides an array of Honduras headlines, as varied as ever:
"Honduras coup Leaders Mock Dialogue," from the Havana Times says the current government has "no intention of searching for a resolution to the over three-month Honduran stalemate."
Media Newswire's "Hondurans Choose Democracy" congratulates the Hondurans for ensuring that Zelaya will never return to the executive branch. "Mr. Micheletti's predecessor ran a campaign of corruption," the press release says.
And "How to Save Democracy in Honduras" from the Korea Times shares how to fix the country's "muddled mess:" ensure the U.S. and other countries stay out of it, and let Honduras fix itself.
Make sure to also read this article from Africa's Daily Nation comparing coups in Africa and Latin America.
Meanwhile, de facto leader Roberto Micheletti and ousted president Manuel Zelaya are to begin talks again tomorrow.
Sources: Havana Times, Media Newswire, Korea Times, Reuters, Daily Nation
Photo: China.org.cn, Zelaya and Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, who is hopes to negotiate a compromise
Very much appreciate your pick-up and indeed a great fan of your website. Just a note - MediaNewswire posted that release on behalf of the Arcadia Foundation.
Good addition. Thanks Sam!
Nice Post.
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Thanks for the share.
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