Colombia-Ecuador relations have been stuck in a rut since the March 2008 Colombian army strike on a FARC guerilla camp located just over the border in Ecuador. Plans by Colombia to permit an expanded U.S. military presence have made relations worse not only with Ecuador but across the Americas. Even as recently as last week Colombian president Alvaro Uribe denied claims by a FARC commander that he didn’t provide funds to the 2006 campaign of Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa.
Over the weekend, however, Uribe tried to strike a reconciliatory tone by “apologizing” for the military incursion into Ecuador. "Our objective is making an end to terrorism: this is the bandit. Ecuador and Venezuela are our brothers," Uribe added.
Correa gave his conditional acceptance to Uribe’s gesture and proposed negotiations between the neighboring states. Foreign minister Fander Falconi added that the restoration of diplomatic relations rests on Colombia pledging not to incur into foreign territory:
According to Falconi, Colombia must “say convincingly” that it will abstain from “intervening in third countries if it thinks there’s a security risk”…Image- Buenos Aires Herald
Falconi said that the public rejection of the theory of extraterritoriality would be the…“beginning of any form of dialogue”… [ed. personal translation]
Online Sources- El Espectador, The Latin Americanist, Colombia Reports, examiner.com, AFP
No, No, NO, NO !!!
The Tropical Dictators can't bury the Hatchet
Chavez, Correa and Ortega are three despots and dictators that need aggression and vulgarity to stay in Power ...
They strongly need Demagoguery and Populism ... they are the Worst of Latino Military Barracks, reared in brutality and vulgarity ....
They have been bred in Militarism, Machism, Aggression, Obeying like automatons ...
They need an external enemy to stay in power ... To persuade millions of ignorants and those in extreme poverty.
They also need constant preaching against the Rich, against the "Oligarchy" and against the "Gringos" as the cause of all the troubles and poverty in their poor countries.
In fact, Chavez, Correa and Ortega cause a lot of poverty with their Philocomunism and Philocastrism.
Chavez has squandered Ten Marshall Plans and Venezuela suffers from extreme poverty....
Nations less endowed with Riches than Venezuela are more advanced economically and have greater progress, even in areas of the "Third World"
These Military Brutes need constant aggression and agitation against the "Foreign" Enemies.
In fact, we have to pray for the Good Health of America, Panama and Colombia, so that the Panama Canal is not taken by these three madmen ( with some Cuban Help ?? )
Sounds Idiotic ??
I agree ! .... but Hitler also sounded Idiotic and Clownish !!
Do you like terrorism ??
These three dictators have been the best friends of the FARC of Colombia. The greatest criminals and murderers of the Western Hemisphere.
They have killed children ( with land mines ) and thousands of Old People, Women, etc ...
They know the Art of Kidnapping and extortion for Money.
And Chavez, Correa, and Ortega have provided Weapons, Sanctuary, etc ...
Vicente Duque
Some proper perspective is required.
Admittedly Correa is not (shall we say) a savory character. Yet it does appear that he's making a good faith effort (along with Uribe) to quell the diplomatic rift between Ecuador and Colombia that has gone on far too long. Hopefully this will also signal a change in the mostly heated rhetoric from Correa's end since the Reyes incident last year.
And yes you're conspiracy theory of a takeover of the Panama Canal by Chavez et al. sounds silly at best and paranoia at worst. (You're invocation of Godwin's Law hurts your arguement).
While the FARC are a sanguinary and overly vicious rebel army, it's an exaggeration to call them the "greatest criminals and murderers of the Western Hemisphere." What about state-sponsored conflicts such as those during the "Dirty War" or the paramilitaries in Colombia (who are still around despite their mass demobilization)?
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