The report by the Pew Research Center found that 61% of Latinos feel confidence in their local police; 17% less than whites though 14% higher than blacks. In addition, 45% of Latinos surveyed expressed confidence in being treated fairly and a slightly higher number (49%) are sure of being treated fairly by the courts.
The data on Latinos comes from a survey of over 2000 people conducted in mid-2008. Thus, the survey’s timing came at a particularly sensitive time in Latino relations with law enforcement:
The report… highlights a widening disconnect in racial justice: At a time when Hispanics are interacting more with law enforcement due in part to their growing population as well as stepped up immigration enforcement, they are showing skepticism…Image- ABC News
The survey was conducted in mid-2008, when immigration prosecutions were rising due to tighter enforcement during the Bush administration. Citing minority distrust of government workers, Hispanic and other groups are urging the Obama administration to push through immigration reform or temporarily halt raids during next year's census to ensure a more accurate count.
Online Sources- UPI, AP, Pew Hispanic Center
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Big Apple morphing into Clockwork Orange.
Five teens charged with hate crime in Sloatsburg, New York
Latinos living in fear of these coward terrorists
LoHud.com - New York's Lower Hudson Valley
By Suzan Clarke
April 4, 2009
Five Ramapo teens charged with hate crime
Some excerptgs :
SLOATSBURG - Five Ramapo teenagers were charged yesterday with a hate crime for allegedly punching and kicking a Hispanic teen while shouting "white power" during an outdoor party, Ramapo police said.
Michael Conklin, Benjamin Knowles and Michael Lorelli, all 17 and of Suffern; Michael Polloni, 17, of Sloatsburg; and Andrew Statham, 18, of Suffern, were arrested late Thursday and arraigned yesterday in Village Court on one count each of second-degree assault as a hate crime, a felony.
The 17-year-old male victim and the suspects were part of a larger group that had congregated in the woods at night on March 28 near the municipal water tower, Ramapo police Detective Lt. Brad Weidel said.
The suspects, who are white, allegedly used anti-Hispanic slurs.
"It escalated into a fight. As the defendants were assaulting the victim they were kicking him, punching him, yelling 'white power,' " Weidel said of the 11:45 p.m. incident.
"We have a very troubling pattern that seems to be emerging with the recent incident in Nanuet as well," he said, referring to a March 21 attack on a Latino cabdriver.
"It can't just be dismissed," Figueroa said of the Sloatsburg attack. "One of the tendencies very often is to say this is the foolishness of a handful of youth. I think one needs to look at the deeper meaning, the idea that somehow these are young people that were ingesting messages of us-versus-them, that somehow ... it is OK to victimize someone in this way, to engage in violence."
I continue my works to show that the Aryan Race Myths and the Anglo Saxon Race Myths are not supported by the last research in Genetics and Archeology.
Vicente Duque
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