One of the most prominent names bandied around over the past few weeks to replace Clinton was that of Caroline Kennedy. But several reports circulated tonight that she withdrew her bid citing concerns over the health of her uncle- Senator Ted Kennedy. She has also faced strong criticism over her lack of political experience as well as her troubled relationship with the local press.
[Update: Kennedy officially withdrew her bid for the Senate shortly after midnight.]
Thus, the door opens for other high-profile local politicos like New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Governor David Paterson could make a dark horse pick, however, to fulfill the remaining two years before a special election. Rep. Nydia Velazquez- the first Puerto Rican woman to be elected to Congress- could be a tempting choice for Paterson.
As the New York Daily News observed last November:
Velazquez offers the tantalizing possibility of killing two political birds with one stone by appealing to Hispanics and women - both critical voting blocs.Image- daylife.com (“Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., speaks at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2008.”)
"They think she's a twofer," said the source close to Paterson, who would get to pick Clinton's replacement. "She's a woman and a Latina and therefore a home run. He's feeling tremendous pressure in western New York, which he has to win to win the general election. But the closer pressure he's feeling right now is from the Hispanic community."
Online Sources- BBC News, New York Daily News, Gothamist, AFP, CBS News
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