The high court ordered changes to 42 norms that range from Criminal, Civil and Disciplinary Codes, to the special health plan available to military forces.According to Colombian activists who were critical in campaigning for the changes, gay Colombian citizens can also grant foreign same-sex partners immigration rights in the same way that married heterosexual partners can sponsor their spouses for immigration purposes.
They ruled that the challenged dispositions did not justify the discrimination they instituted, or that the variances with regards to same-sex couples placed these people in a position of vulnerability before the law.
And in both cases, the Constitutional Court held that the right to equality was violated.
Hence, provisions such as those contained the Disciplinary and Penal Codes, which establish the right against incrimination by a spouse, should also be applied to heterosexual [should be homosexual] partners
Another instance is that of crimes related to domestic violence; victims can be same-sex partners or aggravation imposed by law for crimes against the person.
This includes cases where reparations are made to victims of heinous crimes.
Blabbeando puts it into context:
So, here is a concept: Colombian same-sex partners, following a series of High Court rulings including the one announced yesterday, probably enjoy more rights than same-sex couples in any other Latin American nation with the exception - perhaps - of Uruguay which approved civil unions in December of 2007 - and yet they have achieved this without having yet been granted civil marriage or common-law marriage status?What really strikes me is that we have such movements earning significant victories in Latin America, and here in the U.S. Latinos are being blamed for the passage of anti-gay measures with Republicans claiming Latino family values back such hateful laws.
Just amazing and it speaks to the hard work of hundreds of LGBT advocates throughout Colombian history including my friends Germán Humberto Rincón Perfetti and Manuel Antonio Velandia Mora who did so much in the a980's and 1990's to bring equal rights issues to the forefront in Colombia.
Through their efforts, as well as hat of many others, different same-sex partnership bills have come close to being adopted by the county's legislature (the last one was rejected by the Senate in October of 2008). With yesterday's ruling, passage of such a bill seems predestined.
Sources : The Advocate, El Tiempo, Blabbeando, Colombia Diversa
I am very happy that Gays, Lesbians, Transgender and other gain more Rights and Protection from the State. Bravo for Colombia !
In the U. S. Gays and Lesbians can be the best allies of Latinos. All of them part of the Obama Coalition. For 2010 and 2012 Elections.
And speaking of Colombia - There are Big News :
Judd Gregg for Secretary of Commerce
The Future Foreign Trade direction of the USA
Prophecy : Obama may change course and direction on foreign Trade -
Judd Gregg for Secretary of Commerce ??
Wow ! ... Wow ! ... Wow ! ... Wow ! ... Wow ! ...
That is the RUMOR ! The Internet is a Buzzing Beehive.
A Very Big Friend of Latin America and Latinos !
Let us assume that this Rumor is False
But the Rumor has a lot of meaning and significance. The rumor is important, ther rumor has a point and implication. Rumors are not born in a void but have a context.
I would add this maxim of Ancient Times Before Christ :
"You obtain power pandering to the Poor, but you exert power with the Rich."
"Get power with the left, Rule with the Right"
This is from Ancient Greece.
Note and Explanation :
Those that have Power, Money, Political Clout, Corporation Empires, etc ... enjoy increasing their fortunes. Foreign Trade and Increasing Foreign Markets is good for their pockets and wallets. They do not fear Foreign Competition and do not fear Foreigners.
The Rich and Powerful have travelled, know other languages and other Nations. They are not scared by Trade and Commerce. They are not scared by Foreign Languages.
Vicente Duque
"What really strikes me is that we have such movements earning significant victories in Latin America, and here in the U.S. Latinos are being blamed for the passage of anti-gay measures with Republicans claiming Latino family values back such hateful laws"
Its kind of weird i admit it, but maybe not all Latinos are the same. Actually we are pretty different form one another, speccially Uruguaians and Argentinians from the rest of Latin America. I think it varies a lot, but thats how i see it.
Kind Regards
Diego Ventura
P.S:Congratulations on your blog, I love it.
"Actually we are pretty different form one another, speccially Uruguaians and Argentinians from the rest of Latin America."
why you laughing?
Is just my point of view, instead of just a "ha" u could have stated your opinion about it. You just wasted a good oportunitie.
"Its kind of weird i admit it, but maybe not all Latinos are the same. Actually we are pretty different form one another, speccially Uruguaians and Argentinians from the rest of Latin America. I think it varies a lot, but thats how i see it."
I'm curious Diego; how are Uruguayans and Argentines significantly different from the rest of Latin America?
How are Argentines and Uruguayans different? You know that one, Erwin -- they're Italians and Germans who think they're French, wish they were British, but speak Spanish :-)
Two possible explanations for the relatively reactionary attitudes towards sexuality among U.S. Latinos.
1. Latinos, like every other ethnic group in the U.S. buys into the prevailing ethos of the majority after a generation or two. Even Catholics in the U.S. are basically Puritans.
2. Immigrants from Latin America are -- with major exceptions -- poor, undereducated and rural. One major exception are those "fleeing" economic changes, who tend to be wealthy, reactionaries. The other exception are, of course, the sane, "normal" people.
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