Source : The Raw StoryCuba's foreign minister warned Tuesday that President Raul Castro will never renounce socialism, just days before Havana holds landmark talks with European Union leaders.
"There has not been reform in Cuba, but a deep social revolution" and "this process has to be continually perfected," Felipe Perez Roque told a press conference in Madrid when asked about reforms undertaken by Raul Castro since he replaced his ailing brother Fidel two years ago.
If the reforms imply that "Cuba is renouncing socialism, we have to say that they are not," he said, following a meeting with his Spanish counterpart Miguel Angel Moratinos.
On Thursday, the European Union is to hold its first ministerial talks with Cuba since 2003. The initiative follows the EU's lifting of sanctions against Cuba last June.
Raul may not change it -- but he's not "Cuba." When he goes, what happens next (and in the forseeable future) is still anyone's guess.
In addition to Marx, and, indeed, even more fundamental then Marx, the Cuban experience is guided by the thought of Jose Marti, who spoke of building a society "with all and for the good of all", which is what socialism means to Cuba's leadership.
More than anything else, Cuba needs to be left alone, and the United States needs to lift its blockade of the island.
After the recent hurricanes, Cuba wants and needs all sorts of help, but only Washington prevents people from the US, especially Cubans with relatives on the island, from going there and sending money to help in the reconstruction efforts.
It's time and overtime to normalize relations with Cuba.
"...with easier access to certain consumer products, pero one thing Cuba doesn't plan on changing is it's socialism. "
pahaha, spanglish.
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