Aside from the section on health care, the new law stipulates that:
(…) nutritional education programs are taught in all school levels and… a warning that “overeating is bad for your health” should be included for during advertisements of unhealthy food…
“The publication of diets or weight-loss methods without medical consent is prohibited” (according to the law). [ed. personal translation]
The law had been originally written to include obesity and had been inspired by a television show entailed “An Issue of Weight.” Yet legislators included bulimia and anorexia in the measure such as the banning of “extreme thinness as a symbol of beauty” by advertisers and fashion designers.
The law has had its detractors; one nutritional expert lamented that “the obesity epidemic (in Argentina) is too much for health care plans to support…Actions are needed not a new law.”
Sources (English)- ABC News, Food Standards Agency
Sources (Spanish)- elmundo.es, Pagina12, BBC Mundo, El Universo
Image- BBC News (Soccer legend Diego Maradona before and after his 2005 stomach stapling surgery)
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