Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd says a "change is coming" to relations between the United States and Latin America while speaking in Bolivia yesterday.
The Associated Press reported that Dodd met with Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera in La Paz to help smooth relations. Dodd's office said he was "disappointed" that President Evo Morales did not meet with him as well.
Dodd said if a Democrat is the next president, the United States will spend more time thinking about their "family here in the Americas."
Dodd served in the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic from 1966 to 1968.
Source: AP, Photo: ChrisDodd.com
I find it ridiculous that Dodd goes to Bolivia (Who is he representing there anyway?, the US goverment, himself, the democrats?) and is disappointed because the president of the country doesn't receive him, as if he had nothing better to do than meet with american senators. He should be thrilled anyone in Bolivia wants to meet with him, after the awful shit the US does in Bolivia.
Well, a statement on Dodd's website had this to say:
"Dodd is traveling in Latin America this week to continue to lay out his vision for a strategic partnership between the United States and Latin America."
So is he traveling representing himself? Could be.
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