The ads- which ran and Mexico and were pulled this week- tapped the nerve of a few people in the blogosphere who viewed them as offense and/or anti-American. Others have called for a boycott against Absolut.
Some ad directors tried to put the affair in a more measured perspective:
"I think the Absolut ad campaign is terrific. For Mexican eyes only, that is," said Manny Gonzalez, vice president and managing director of Hill Holliday Hispanic/abece, a Miami-based ad agency specializing in the Latino market.
"This advertising basically taps into a very painful episode of Mexico's history, so the cultural code for understanding that [for Mexicans] is 'We were robbed,' " said Eduardo Caccia, vice president of Mindcode, a Mexico City advertising consultancy. "For the U.S. it's different. The understanding for that episode is 'We bought some land. We made a deal.' The same event, but with different meanings."
The “Absolute World” ad campaign has previously not shied away from controversy. (Absolut vagina, anyone)?
Image- Monsters & Critics
Sources- Scotsman.com, Absolutelynot.com, UPI, Los Angeles Times, La Plaza, Copyranter
1 comment:
I wonder what "Absolut Iroquoi" would look like. . .
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