Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega just announced that the country will break ties to show "solidarity with the Ecuadorean people."
The move comes after Venezuela and Ecuador also broke ties with Colombia following a Colombian raid on rebels in Ecuadorean territory.
This also follows a resolution by the Organization of American States saying Colombia violated Ecuador's sovereignty and the United States' support for Colombia.
Read CNN's story here.
Photo: CNN, OAS meeting
As a Colombibian National living in the United States I find it offensive that this so called "leaders", Chavez and Ortega, are offering condolences to the FARC movement. Let it be known that there are over 4 million people in COlombia that are "displaced" people in their own country. Their land has been confiscated by the FARC and the government has been unable to get them back. Should we also mention the thousands of hostages that are in the hands of this terrorist group. There are also 3 American citizens in their posession. Did Chavez and Ortega also forget the thousands of people who have lost their lives in this ongoin conflict?. Did Mr. Ortega forget about his own little war he had in his country as a member of the "contras". Did Chavez forget that his own people are now suffering from lack of food and that his country, blessed with the amount of oil it has, is still a third world country. Last, the conflict is between Ecuador and Colombia. Sure, Colombia did cross the border of Ecuador to kill Colombian terrorists. How many Ecuadorians citizens lost their lifes?. Also, Ecuador knew of the illegal camps that the FARC set up in their country. Venezula sent 300 million dollars to the FARC and also, was going to give them oil so the FARC could reseel it so that they may fund their terrorist acts. So Mr Chavez and Ortega who are the criminals? you bastards.
At the end of the day, I'm not sure it matters what Colombia's neighbors think of them.
As long as the Colombian people keep receiving US aid, they won't have to learn how to get along with themselves or anyone else.
they can just run around shooting people when they get offended, as welfare brats are inclined to do everywhere.
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