Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Piñatas for Hillary!

Barack Obama has his reggaeton and Mariachi and Hillary Clinton's camp, not to be outdone, came up with this snappy little number, complete with the required photos of Hillary with important Latinos like Dolores Huerta and Ugly Betty and a piñata!

The scary sad thing, is that it plays on all the usual stereotypes of why Latinos should vote for Hillary, like the fact that her husband was president already and that she hangs with people who wear folkloric costumes.


Anonymous said...

Oh please Obama did the same with the Mariachi least we know for sure that Hillary will help Latinos which is something that can't be said from Obama.

Yo voy a votar por el candidato que creo que es el mejor. Hillary se gano mi lealtad. Obama no ha probado nada.


Erwin C. said...

"Obama no ha probado nada."

En ese caso, que ha probado Hillary?

Anonymous said...

Hilary ha probado que se ha casado con un presidente . . . casi . . .

Erwin C. said...

Como dice el refran en ingles - "so close yet so far away."

Anonymous said...

well the song is pretty awesome though.

Maegan la Mala said...

Oh I think all the song montages are nothing less than pandering, on both sides. But yes, the song is catchy. It made my baby dance.

By the way, I'm not endorsing any candidate, at least not in public.