* Lucero is “the Mexican Britney Spears”? Oh really?!
* A Peruvian court found former President Alberto Fujimori guilty of having abused his authority and sentenced him to six years in jail.
* Gender inequality continues to be prevalent in Latin America, according to a report from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
* Follow-up: Despite exchanging pleasantries with Spain’s Prince Felipe on Sunday, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez repeated his request for an apology from King Juan Carlos.
Sources- Xinhua, The Latin Americanist, Reuters, The Daily Dish, MSNBC
Image- adn.es
May I be so unpolite as to ask how it's going with the "best latin rock songs of the 90s" item? I'm still really looking forward to that!
Excellent question and certainly not impolite.
The "90s songs" poll will be put off to January due to lack of interest from readers. (i.e. We got very few suggestions and some lukewarm feedback).
I think we'll try again shortly after the New Year. Does it sound like a good idea?
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