Monday, September 10, 2007

We return on Tuesday

Hi everybody.

Sorry for the lack of posts today.

Two years ago today my father died from an unexpected heart attack. Hence, I haven't been in the right mindset to blog today.

Tuesday we should return with regularly-scheduled blogging.

See you tomorrow.


Chapín said...

As a blogger, I'd like to tell you: man, stop apologizing, we know things happen in life that need more priority than your blog. So if posts are slow a little, we'll assume you took a lil' break, and seeing you're the most productive latino blogger out there, we know we'll hear from you soon!

As a reader, I'd like to say: damn! I would've loved your take on the Guatemalan presidential elections :)

Erwin C. said...

Thanks for your understanding, chapin. It has been a very difficult last few days emotionally for me as well as the rest of my immediate family. Yet somehow we move on, day by day and step by step.

Despite having my mind elsewhere I haven't forgetten about the guatemalan elections. A post will soon be written about it. I won't give too much away except to say that Rigoberta Menchu will be prominently featured.