* Allegations of racism forced the temporary closing of an upscale restaurant in
* Citing increased criticism of the conflict in Iraq, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates cancelled a visit of Latin America that was supposed to start today.
* The Colombian guerrilla leader known by the nickname of “Simon Trinidad” was convicted by a
* Follow-up: Nearly a month after Mexico’s government tossed out a legal complaint against the Catholic Church, religious officials are creating a proposal to strengthen the archdiocese’s role in political debates.
Sources- BBC News, International Herald Tribune, The Latin Americanist, Bloomberg, Guardian
I think it was more than "allegations of racism." Check out Univisión's version of the incident here: http://www.univision.com/contentroot/wirefeeds/50noticias/7144859.html
La agencia gubernamental impuso la sanción al establecimiento después que el programa noticioso "Panorama" transmitió el domingo por la noche una secuencia tomada el mes pasado, en que una pareja de blancos fue aceptada en la entrada, a la vez que a una pareja de piel obscura que ellos enviaron no se le admitió. Un guardia de seguridad les dijo que se realizaba una fiesta privada. . . En octubre, el restaurante había sido multado con 37.000 dólares por Indecopi por la misma ofensa, discriminación, después de una investigación encubierta sobre su política de selección de clientela.
Sounds to me like they didn't get the point the first time around.
Ironically, it was on "Panorama" back in January when I saw a report of theirs on the diminishing discrimination against Peruvian 'cholos.' (Cholos are dark-skinned due to their Amerindian ancestry).
Small world, huh?
I guess their idea of "diminishing discrimination" is lying to cholos to make them go away as opposed to physically forcing them to leave.
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