Monday, February 9, 2009

Daily Headlines: February 9, 2009

* U.S.: Did New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez test positive for anabolic steroids in 2003? A Sports Illustrated article claims that he did.

* Latin America: Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa expelled who he called an "insolent and foolish" senior U.S. diplomat, while the White house considers who could be the next ambassador to Mexico.

* El Salvador: Roughly six weeks since promising to leave Iraq the last set of 200 Salvadoran troops returned from combat.

* Panama: The country’s government has agreed to pay about $250,000 in damages to the family of a political activist disappeared during the military regime of General Omar Torrijos.

Image- New York Daily News (2003 photo of Alex Rodriguez during his playing days with the Texas Rangers.)
Online Sources- The Latin Americanist, BBC News, Dallas Morning News, LAHT, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, Sports Illustrated

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