Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Daily Headlines: December 23, 2008

* Argentina: First it was the “emos” in Mexico. Now it’s the “flogger” youth in Argentina who are being harassed and abused for their lifestyle.

* Peru: Good news - President Alan Garcia’s approval rating has hit a six-month high. Bad news – It’s at a paltry 25%.

* Honduras: According to a U.N.-backed report drug violence has spiked in Honduras most likely due to spillover from Mexico.

* Brazil: France and Brazil will sign several agreements including one that would make Brazil the first Latin American country to have a nuclear-powered sub.

Image- DERF
Online Sources- Bloomberg, MSNBC, CNN, The Latin Americanist, LAHT


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Emos weren't being murdered here in Mexico... that was an internet hoax going around (having written on the issue, I was getting all kinds of emails about supposed emo-slaughters that were plainly absurd). Emos were harassed, and beaten up, but no one died.

    There was an attempt to blame the punkers (and a lot of nonsense written about the bourgois v. working class youth movement) which ALSO was wrong. The anti-emo violence was financed and directed by Legionarios de Cristo and other fascist and falangist groups.

    But, again, no murders.

  2. I'm fairly certain I read a mainstream article months ago claiming that an emo was killed for his lifestyle. I don't recall the exact source. Thus, please take that claim with a massive grain of salt.

    Until proven othrwise, the post will be modified slightly to reflect that no emos were murdered for being emo.
