Thursday, January 17, 2008

Eagle Pass, Texas: 0 Vs. Border Fence : 1

Eagle Pass, Texas has lost in a round of fighting against a border fence.
Yesterday the U.S. Justice Department ordered the border city to temporarily give up 233 acres of land (for 180 days), the first step in paving the road for a fence creating a physical barrier between that city and Mexico. The Feds had to sue the city for access because local landowners and politicos refused to handover the land. Right now, the land handover will allow government surveyors to begin assessing sites for construction of the fence.

There are hundreds of other lawsuits against other landowners in Texas, California, and Arizona who refuse to give up their lands to the Feds.
The DHS (Department of Homeland Security) is under a congressional mandate to have 670 miles of fencing in place by the end of the year to toughen security on the porous southwestern border. The plan calls for roughly 400 miles of new fencing that will be added to existing barriers.
Source : The Seattle Times

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I don't own any land along the border,but is is truely a sad day
    when the Feds can come onto a citizens property and build a monster fence. What happened to private property owners rights?Isn't this why we rose up against
