Monday, October 30, 2006

Federal police try to take back battle-scarred Oaxaca

Mexican federal police have tried to take over Oaxaca, Mexico (image) after five months of protests and ongoing violence. It has not gone smoothly, however, as a spokesman for the protestors claimed to have a dozen policemen under their control. The demonstrations began in May by a teacher’s union against the state government and have escalated since then.

The attempted stop to the chaos in Oaxaca comes on the heels of the shooting death of a New York freelance journalist supposedly by paramilitaries. Bradley Will was killed along with two others as he covered the situation in Oaxaca for Indymedia.

Check out Mark in Mexico for one person’s eyewitness account of the goings on in Oaxaca.

Links- ABC News (U.S.), The Australian, Christian Science Monitor, New York Newsday, Gothamist (blog), Mark in Mexico (blog)

Image- BBC News

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