Monday, April 6, 2015

Daily Headlines: April 6, 2015

* Guatemala: Johns Hopkins University and the Rockefeller Foundation were named in a US$1 billion lawsuit filed last week over their alleged role in infecting hundreds of Guatemalans with STDs during the mid-20th century.

* South America: Pope Francis may be a popular figure in Latin America but he is facing pushback from Chilean child abuse victims and a “breakaway group of ultra-conservative Catholics” based in Brazil.

* Cuba: The U.S. Supreme Court today rejected hearing an appeal by former subcontractor Alan Gross against the government for negligence related to his five-year imprisonment in Cuba.

* Chile: President Michelle Bachelet promised that the flood-hit northern region where at least twenty-five people have died and 125 are missing will be “rebuilt”.

YouTube Source – SBS Dateline (Video uploaded in 2011).

Online Sources – The Guardian, Reuters, NBC News, CNN, Baltimore Sun

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