Thursday, February 19, 2015

Daily Headlines: February 19, 2015

* Argentina: Hundreds of thousands of Argentines participated in a “March of Silence” demanding justice in the investigation into the mysterious death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman last month.

* Uruguay: Despite backing the resettlement of six former Guantanamo detainees in Uruguay, President Jose Mujica was critical of their alleged lack of work ethic.

* U.S.: The February 10th shooting death of an unarmed undocumented migrant by police in Pasco, Washington has reportedly “galvanized” the small city’s Latino community.

* Bolivia: The Bolivian government provided details of its planned nuclear energy program and that includes “employing gamma irradiation with Cobalt-60 to improve seed quality and decrease the rate at which food spoils.”

Video Source – YouTube user BBC News

Online Sources – The Latin Americanist; ABC News; Fox News Latino; Reuters; The Huffington Post

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